MBBCS logoManchester Bolton &
Bury Canal Society


The Council of The Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal Society is made up of the following members. Listed below are brief details of the responsibilities of each Council member. If you are interested in joining the Council then please contact the Chairman, Paul Hindle.


Chairman, Membership, Editor, Talks, Sales – Paul Hindle

As Chairman I chair meetings of the Society, meetings with C&RT and the Restoration Partnership.

I deal with new and renewing memberships, and maintain the members’ database.

I edit the Society’s quarterly journal, and send copies to members, councillors, MPs, C&RT staff and others by post or by email.

I maintain the sales items; most sales happen after talks and also at other events.

Chairman, MBBCS photo

Treasurer and Insurance – Steve Marsden

As Treasurer, I have 5 main responsibilities:

  1. To maintain an overview of the society’s financial affairs, to ensure its financial viability and to ensure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained.
  2. To report to council on the financial affairs of the society.
  3. To liaise with the society’s accountants to ensure annual accounts are produced.
  4. To perform day to day financial duties such as supplier payments, the societies banking, financial record keeping etc.
  5. To look after the society’s insurance needs.
Treasurer, MBBCS photo

Planning – Al Franco

Consult the Planning Applications weekly for the 3 Planning Authorities.

Consult Canal and River Trusts' planning notices.

Plead for S106 monies for the canal.

Liaise with Canal and River Trust Planning Manager.

Monitor Planning Portal.

For all 3 authorities read and comment on their policies:
   Core Strategy, Unitary Development Plan, Local Development Plan
   Supplementary Planning Documents, Spatial Framework

The new Greater Manchester Authority requires consultation.

Keep the Chairman and Council informed.

Gift Aid – Jennifer Hindshaw

I undertake the Gift Aid claims for the Society once a year.

Gift Aid - photo, MBBCS

Publicity – Matthew Clark

I work as the publicity officer for the canal society. I run the social media pages to keep everyone updated with current events. I also create regular YouTube videos on the work parties that we host along the canal, as well as the occasional informational video on our canals history. These videos can also be found on this website.

Publicity officer photo, MBBCS

Open Meetings

Position currently vacant



Health & Safety – Sam Kennion



Non-Council Members

Webmaster – Liz Donlan

As Webmaster I manage and update the website as and when required.


Webmaster, MBBCS photo


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